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Ann Volunteers to Help set up Covid Assessment Centre – Making a Real Difference
Ann Forsyth is a Programme Manager, Primary Care Improvement Plan for Glasgow City HSCP, who is currently the Service Manager at the new COVID-19 Assessment Centre in Barr Street in North West Glasgow.

GP Out-of-Hours Service moves to Appointment Only from 1 June 2020
As part of a planned series of improvements to urgent primary care services, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has introduced a new appointments system within its GP out-of-hours service on a permanent basis.

New Patient Pathway to Streamline COVID-19 Assessments
New dedicated Community Assessment Centres (CACs) have opened across Greater Glasgow and Clyde to help combat COVID-19 by providing a more streamlined service to assess people presenting symptoms.

New £17m Gorbals Health and Care Centre Opens its Doors to Patients
The new £17 million Gorbals Health and Care Centre opened its doors to the local community for the first time this week.Work began in June 2017 on the new modern facility providing improved access to a range of community and primary care services.

New Gorbals Health and Care Centre Opens January 2019
The planned opening date of the new Gorbals Health and Care Centre is Monday, 21 January 2019. Plans are now underway for the transfer of services from the current Health Centre, Twomax building and Southbank Centre to the new Health and Care Centre.
The address will be:

Partnership Staff win Improving Health Award at NHSGGC Chairman's Awards
Partnership staff Rachel Bruce, lead pharmacist, and Chrissie Stuart, a practice nurse, won the Chairman’s Improving Health Category Gold Award for the More than Medicine project based at Crail GP practice, North East Locality.