Home Care Recruitment Campaign Reaches Final of APSE Awards
Glasgow City HSCP was recognised at the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) awards for public sector excellence last week.
The Care Team were finalists in the category ‘Best Efficiency and Transformation Initiative’, for the mass home care recruitment campaign which ran in April last year. They worked alongside the Council’s Marketing, Social Media and PR team to run a multi-platform recruitment campaign across two weeks. They then overhauled the recruitment process to make it more timely and less admin intensive by incorporating a pre-screening tool.
Gordon Bryan, Head of Care Services said: “The awards celebrate the best in local government, so although we didn’t win, we were delighted to be finalists in the category and are very proud of the campaign which was hugely successful for us.
“In total we received over 2,000 applications, which resulted in 351 new home carers being recruited into the service.
“Following the success of the campaign we repeated it in September this year to recruit an additional 150 home carers to support the service during the pandemic.”