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Launching our HSCP's Equality Outcomes 2024 to 2028


We are pleased to launch our new Equalities Outcomes 2024 to 2028. The outcomes have been developed in partnership with key stakeholders across the city, including staff, partner organisations, equality organisations and their members.

The key outcomes reflect the diverse needs of Glasgow City and the range of services we deliver. They provide a focus for our actions over the next four years, rather than everything that we do to address and reduce inequality in the city.

Fiona Moss, our HSCP's Head of Health Improvement and Equalities said: “We have made real progress through the delivery of our previous outcomes, and we want to build on this to improve our practice and use our influence to be equality advocates for Glasgow.

Freedom from discrimination and equality of opportunity are fundamental human rights for all of us. We’re committed to changing the traditional ways of working and cultivating a more honest and inclusive environment, with an equitable balance of power”.

Our Glasgow City HSCP has committed to five new equality outcomes that aim to reflect the purpose of the Equalities Outcomes:

1. Information and communications about our services and how to access them are inclusive and accessible to everyone. In particular, those who may face barriers through disability, language and digital exclusion.  

2. People with protected characteristics and the organisations that represent them, are regularly and systematically supported to be involved in service delivery design by the IJB/HSCP.

3. LGBT+, Disabled and Black and Minority Ethnic People of all ages are able to access Mental Health and Wellbeing support which better meets their needs.

4. The IJB/HSCP actively challenges prejudices, discrimination and harassment within services and the workplace, including a focus on anti-racism. 5. Glasgow City HSCP is an equalities focused and inclusive workplace, which has embedded approaches to support Black and Minority Ethnic People, Disabled People, LGBT+ People, Women and a workforce that more accurately reflects the diversity of the City’s population.

•          You can now read our Equalities Outcomes Summary 2024 to 2028

•          You can access the full Equalities Outcomes Report 2024 to 2028 and the Equality Outcome Progress Report on our website

If you would like to know more about Glasgow City HSCP Equalities please visit

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