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LGBT Charter Gold Award for Glasgow City Youth Health Service


Glasgow City Youth Health Service is delighted to announce that it’s now accredited with the LGBT Charter at Gold level.

The LGBT Charter is awarded by LGBT Youth Scotland and supports organisations to review their policies and practices to ensure they’re inclusive to LGBTQ+ people. The programme also offers opportunities for staff training, the development of resources and raising awareness of LGBTQ+ issues.  

The Youth Health Service Charter Champion group has collected evidence over the past 18 months that reflects the team’s work to make the service a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ+ young people and their families.

During this process, Youth Health Service staff attended LGBTQ+ awareness training to improve their knowledge and confidence in supporting LGBTQ+ young people. The team hosted several events including Purple Friday at Youth Health Service venues, where staff shared information to increase awareness of the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ young people and Purple Friday posters were signed to show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.

The team also took part in a process mapping exercise where they evaluated a young person’s experience when they come to the service for their first appointment. The exercise also considered how staff interact with young people who attend the Youth Health Service and identified ways in which LGBTQ+ young people might be positively or negatively impacted.

Julie Gordon, Glasgow City Youth Health Service Manager, said: “The Youth Health Service is proud to support LGBTQ+ young people and their families and will continue to look for ways to provide an inclusive service to this community.“

Julie continued: “We offer confidential, personalised support for all young people aged 12 to 19 years at locations throughout Glasgow City. The service operates in evenings and is open to any young person with a Glasgow postcode or registered with a Glasgow GP practice.

“We can offer appointments with our YHS Nurses, GPs, Counsellors and Multiple Risk Workers. We can support with sexual health, alcohol and drugs, mental health, weight, employability, risky behaviour and many other issues including housing and money worries.”

For more information on the Youth Health Service, please go to or phone 0141 451 2727 to make a referral.

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