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Our HSCP staff support volunteers with additional support needs at UCI World Cycling Championships


Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Local Area Coordination (LAC) Team has been busy supporting adults with learning disabilities to volunteer at the UCI World Cycling Championships in Glasgow. 

The volunteers, who were based in George Square, played a vital frontline role offering a warm and friendly welcome to the many visitors from all over the world who descended into the city for the cultural experience of the championships.  And they weren’t disappointed!

From helping with directions to taking selfies and assisting with photos, the team of 15 adults were answering questions and giving advice to the hundreds of people in George Square.

This is the third large scale sporting event in Glasgow that the LAC Team has carried out this role with the Commonwealth Games and European Championships proving a huge success. 

Raymond Traynor, our HSCP’s LAC Team Manager, said: “From the moment they stepped on George Square until the moment they finished, our volunteers worked incredibly hard to make sure the visitors to the city were assisted.  

“Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their roles and were proud to play their part in making these events so successful for our city. We all had great fun and made lots of new friends. We didn’t want it to end.

“It’s not just about being part of a major city event - it’s about making a positive difference to the volunteers’ lives. It improves their self-esteem, confidence and physical and mental well-being. They gain invaluable work experience which may lead to future volunteering roles or paid employment and helps them maintain and develop new skills. It really makes them feel part of something special.”

Raymond, and seven members of his team, supported 15 adults with learning disabilities to volunteer throughout the championships. 

Bailie Annette Christie, Chair of Glasgow Life, said: “It’s wonderful to see our staff from the HSCP helping support adults with learning disabilities to volunteer at the UCI World Cycling Championships in Glasgow. 

“The team of volunteers have been based in George Square since day one, and have played a vital frontline role, offering a warm and friendly welcome, answering questions and providing direction and advice where required.

“It’s great to see them in action and it’s clear they’re thoroughly enjoying their roles. They’re clearly very proud to represent their city this way. And so they should be. They have done a superb job. Well done.

"It's been absolutely fantastic on a personal level meeting a lot of people from different countries. It makes me really proud to be a Glaswegian and being part of supporting our guys.

"That’s what we do. We love it and the transformation it can make in people’s lives is wonderful."

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