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Parkhead Hub Spring Update - Arts Strategy and Community Benefits

Published: | Health and Care Centres

Bespoke Atelier, a design company based in Bridgeton, recently won a two -stage competition to create new artworks for the entrance and children’s area of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) new Parkhead Health and Social Care Hub. 

For the entrance area, they'll create a large scale illuminated wall panel that will welcome visitors on arrival to the Hub. The design will celebrate the rich textile and weaving heritage of the local area whilst reflecting the scale and ambition of the new Parkhead Hub itself. 

For the children’s area, a feature wall will become a playful and engaging composition of shapes inspired by research into the local area. There will be points of interest and interactivity for children of all heights and ages with patterns and motifs representing places of local interest, ideas and emotions.

Jackie Shearer, Arts Strategy Coordinator, Parkhead Hub said: “Bespoke Atelier has created artworks for other NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde healthcare facilities including health centres, specialist wards and hospitals. They've also worked extensively in schools and communities across Glasgow. For Parkhead Hub, the themes and graphics will directly be influenced by the Parkhead community.”

The local community also benefits from the development of the Parkhead Hub through the Hub West Scotland’s Helping Hands Initiative. This project allows organisations local to Hub West Scotland’s construction projects to apply for support by way of labour and materials to aid their operations.

Bridgeton based mental health charity the Mental Health Network (Greater Glasgow), recently held an office showcase and thank you event for those consultants and contractors who worked through Helping Hands to revamp the organisation’s aged premises. 

Over 60 companies who took part visited the premises to see the transformation that their time, materials and donations had achieved. The charity went on to explain to those attending about the impact the new surroundings are already having on staff, existing members and now also new members who are making use of the new café room facilities.

Ann Jones, from the Mental Health Network, commented: “Hub West Scotland’s Helping Hands Initiative has been amazing for the Network.  Initially we asked for a new kitchen, flooring and new blinds in our members café.  After having been chosen as Hub West Scotland’s charity we were asked to create a wish list for other items we would like to have.  We were overwhelmed when everything on our list was donated.  We can’t thank everyone involved in this project enough for making our dreams come true.  It has provided a new modern office for our staff to work and for our members to attend and participate in our groups.

“Our members have commented on how much more welcoming and valued they feel about coming to our groups.  As like most charities we have a very limited budget, and we use this as much as possible for the direct benefit of our members, therefore we have not been able to update our office environment in the past 15 years.  This refurbishment has allowed us to relaunch the Network, welcome new members and raise awareness of mental health in general.”

Further information on the Hub, Arts Strategy and Community Benefits Programme can be found on the Parkhead Hub webpage.

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