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Parkhead Hub Update – December 2024

Published: | Health and Care Centres

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) new Parkhead Hub building was completed in November, and the process of getting the building ready for staff and the public is well underway.

The Hub is due to open to the public towards the end of January 2025, with all services expected to be operating from the Hub by February 2025.

Our short video explains how the Hub arts strategy was developed with the involvement of the local community in the North East of Glasgow.

Jackie Shearer, Arts Strategy and Engagement Coordinator for the Parkhead Hub said: “The arts strategy is about working with our local community to build a sense of ownership and pride in what’s an amazing new facility. The artwork itself softens the clinical environment but the process of the community being part and parcel of making that artwork brings local people into the very fabric of the centre.

“Bespoke Atelier, the lead artist for the Hub, created the large-scale wall panel at the Hub’s entrance and the main reception desk based on the area’s heritage, and includes patterns from the archive of Stoddart-Templeton Carpet Factory at Glasgow Green.

“Working with local artists and our health improvement staff, young people designed the images used to make the wallpaper in the children’s area.”

Gary Dover, our HSCP’s Assistant Chief Officer for Primary Care and Early Intervention said: “The new Health and Care Hub is the culmination of seven years’ planning and development and brings together community health and social care services under one roof.

“Parkhead Library will also be based in the Hub and there are also community rooms for local organisations to use, and a cafe. This will make the Hub a thriving place for people to come to.

“Many people need a range of services, including community supports, as well as health and social care services. At the Hub, lots of different services are in one place, which makes them more accessible for people.”

The Hub was designed by Hoskins Architects and BAM construction was the lead contractor. Hub West Scotland was appointed by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) as its development partner to deliver the project.

More information is available on our webpages

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