Get Involved
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership aims to ensure that the people who use community health and social care services get the right care and support whatever their needs, at the right time and in the right setting at any point in their care journey.
To do this the Partnership engages with the people who are supported by its services or may have an interest in them to inform how they can be improved.
The Partnership wants to make sure health and social care services reflect the priorities and meet the needs of local communities. Involving patients, service users and carers in shaping services also ensures that the Partnership makes the best use of public resources.
The Partnership is committed to engaging with a wide range of patients, service users, carers and their representatives, community groups and partner and external organisations in the planning and development of services. On this webpage you will find more information and further links to other webpages about how the Partnership is doing this and how you can get involved.
Participation and Engagement Strategy
The Glasgow City Integration Joint Board is required to produce a Participation and Engagement Strategy. It sets out the principles and approach that the Partnership will take to engage with individuals, groups and communities in how it plans and develops services.
Both the Strategy and its action plan are available, and you can read more background information on them.
IJB Public Engagement Committee
The IJB Public Engagement Committee enables Glasgow’s citizens and local third and independent sector organisations to have a direct route of engagement and role in the policy development process in relation to integrated health and social care services. As part of its role, the Committee approves and keeps under review the Integration Joint Board’s Participation and Engagement Strategy.
More information on the IJB Public Engagement Committee and its meeting papers are available.
Consultations and Engagement
Periodically the Partnership and Integration Joint Board have formal consultation and engagement opportunities for people and organisations to share their views on specific proposals being developed for health and social care in Glasgow City.
More information on some current and past consultations and engagement is available.
Locality Plans
Each of the Partnership’s localities (North East, North West and South) have a Locality Plan that show how the Integration Joint Board’s Strategic Plan is being implemented locally, and how the localities plan to respond to local priorities, needs and issues for community health and social care.
The three Locality Plans are available, and you can read the draft Locality Plan versions 2024 to 2025.
Locality Engagement Forums
A Locality Engagement Forum is active within each of the Partnership’s localities (North East, North West and South). They involve service users, patients and carers and link with established local forums, groups and networks to shape health and social care services and ensure they reflect the priorities and needs of local communities.
More information on the Locality Engagement Forums is available.
Participation Requests
Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, communities in Glasgow and across Scotland can now request to participate in certain decisions and processes made and carried out by public bodies, including councils and Health Boards. Participation Requests are intended to create the opportunity for people and groups to play a greater and more direct role in improving outcomes in their community.
More information on the Community Empowerment Act and how Participation Requests can be made is available at: