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Locality Engagement Forums

A Locality Engagement Forum (LEF) is active within each of the Partnership’s localities (North East, North West and South).

On this webpage you will find more information on:

  • the role of the Locality Engagement Forums
  • who to contact for more information and
  • any meeting or event dates with relevant papers


The Terms of Reference for the Locality Engagement Forums are:

  • linking to governance, decision making and planning structures of the Locality and the Partnership
  • contributing to and supporting the role and work of the IJB Public Engagement Committee
  • helping to ensure health and social care services in Glasgow reflect the priorities and needs of local communities
  • linking to the governance, decision making and planning structures of the Partnership
  • receiving and disseminating information about local and citywide services
  • gathering the feedback, opinions and views of patients, service users and carers
  • networking and sharing good practice
  • generating ideas and identifying projects to support the health and social care needs of the locality
  • contributing to raising public awareness of the role and work of the Integration Joint Board and the Partnership
  • being consulted on Locality Plans and providing feedback on their delivery and
  • increasing and broadening representation on related groups and structures within the community, particularly from more vulnerable or historically less well-represented groups

The membership of Locality Engagement Forums includes service users, patients and carers, and they link with local established forums, groups and networks.

So that each Locality Engagement Forum has a diverse membership, efforts are made to ensure that people with protected characteristics (for example, gender, ethnicity or disability) are able to participate effectively and provided with the appropriate support.

Join in

If you would like to participate in your Local Engagement Forum, please fill in the online application form.


If you would like more information on the Partnership’s Locality Engagement Forums, then please get in touch with one of the contacts below for your locality within Glasgow City.

North East Locality



Tony Devine

Community Engagement and Development Officer


North West Locality



Katrina MacFarlane

Community Engagement and Development Officer


South Locality




Community Engagement and Development Officer




Meetings and Events

Below you will find links to each Locality Engagement page and you can find meetings and events with any associated papers for each of the Forums within the three localities.  If you require further information, then please get in touch with the Locality Engagement Forum contacts on this webpage.




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