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Strategic and Locality Plans

Strategic Plan 2023 to 2026

The current Glasgow City Integration Joint Board Strategic Plan for 2023 to 2026 and key documents that form part of the Strategic Plan can be accessed by clicking on the links below: 

Background to Health and Social Care in Glasgow and the Strategic Plan

The way that health and social care services are locally planned and delivered across Scotland legally changed in February 2016 as part of Health and Social Care Integration. Local Authorities (Councils) and Health Boards are required to work closely together to plan and deliver integrated health and social care services for adults (including older people), and Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have also integrated other services such as children’s, homelessness and community justice.

The Council and Health Board are planning and delivering services in Glasgow as the ‘Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’ (HSCP) with partners in the third and independent sectors. The work of our HSCP and its services are directed by our Integration Joint Board (IJB), which is separate from the Council and Health Board.

One of the things that our IJB is required to do is to produce a Strategic Plan for the health and social care services that it has responsibility for. The Strategic Plan includes the vision and priorities for health and social care in Glasgow, and it describes how they will be delivered by our HSCP with partners. The Strategic Plan must be reviewed every three years, and a decision is taken whether to replace the existing one or extend it.

Our Strategic plan 2023 to 2026, outlines how integrated health and social care services are planned and delivered within the city, this was developed by the HSCP and a range of people, groups and organisations from across the city though an extensive programme of engagement. The IJB and HSCP are committed to engaging with, listening to  and taking account of the views of people, communities, groups/networks and organisations on how health and social care services are planned and delivered in Glasgow.

The feedback received throughout the review process has been used to develop the new Plan, which was approved by the IJB at it’s meeting in June 2023. You can read more about how we engaged and consulted to develop the Plan

Housing Contribution Statement

As part of the development of the IJB Strategic Plan, Glasgow City Council’s Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability (NRS) prepared the Housing Contribution Statement.  The city is required to prepare a Housing Contribution Statement under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.  

Locality Plans

Draft Locality Plans for 2024 to 2025 are now available to view for North East, North West and South localities. We will be undertaking targeted stakeholder engagement in the coming months, before publishing final versions. Feedback gathered during that engagement will also be used to help inform the content and format of Locality Plans for 2025 to 2026. 

Locality Plans are available below:

The summary for each of the draft Locality Plan for 2019 to 2022 are also available:

The Strategic Plan is a strategic document covering the entire city, and each of the Partnership's three localities (North East, North West and South) have a one-year locality plan to support local implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Locality plans show how the Integration Joint Board’s Strategic Plan is being implemented locally, and how the localities will respond to local needs and issues. They focus on the key actions that localities are taking forward, and localities will be held accountable for their delivery. 

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