Glasgow City Integration Joint Board Papers
The next meeting of the IJB will take place on Wednesday 14th May 2025 at 9.30am.
If you wish to watch the proceedings, please email and a link to access the MS Teams feed of the meeting will be sent to you. Please see Guidance for Participating in a Virtual Meeting.
The meeting papers are available approximately two weeks prior to the meeting.
A full list of the current membership and current schedule of meetings are available. The Integration Joint Board’s Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests are also available.
Current and past meeting papers of the Integration Joint Board are available below. All minutes (draft and approved) are also available.
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership is committed to accessibility and ensuring our content is as accessible as possible for all. Improvements continue to be made across IJB and its Committee papers to ensure access to all and adherence to accessibility standards. If you have a further accessibility query for a particular document and / or requests for content in alternative formats please email
Please note that during the period 25th March to 1st September 2020 Glasgow City IJB was operating under temporary governance arrangements as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Reports that were approved outwith the IJB meeting cycle under the temporary decision making arrangements are available at the following page: IJB Temporary Decision Making Arrangements.