Publications Archive
Item No. 13 - IJB Property Strategy
To seek approval of the final draft Integration Joint Board Property Strategy and action plan following consultation.
Item No. 14 - Assisted Garden Maintenance
To seek approval of a review of the Assisted Garden Maintenance service.
Item No. 15 - HSCP Commissioning Workplan 2017/18
To notify the Integration Joint Board of the key work activities of the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Commissioning Team in 2017/18.
Item No. 16 - Glasgow-Bethlehem Guidance Training Centre (GTC) Twinning Proposal - Development of Mental Health Workforce Capacity in Bethlehem
To update the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board on the Bethlehem Twinning project and to note progress made with the Guidance and Training Centre (GTC) in Bethlehem.
Item No. 18 - Integration Joint Board Committee Structures
To propose a revision to the Integration Joint Board’s committee structures.
Item No. 19 - Young Person Representation on IJB Public Engagement Committee
To seek approval of the appointment of a Youth Engagement Advisor onto the IJB Public Engagement Committee.
Item No. 20 - Regional Planning with regard to the Scottish Government's Health and Social Care Delivery Plan
To provide the IJB with background information in relation to regional planning arrangements to deliver a West Regional Plan and to agree the Chief Officer’s engagement with this on behalf of the IJB.
Item No. 21 - Consultation Responses - Free Personal Care
To advise the Integration Joint Board of a number of consultations and evidence gathering exercises in relation to proposals to introduce Free Personal Care for people aged under 65, to present for noting two responses previously submitted to these consultations on behalf of the IJB,
Item No. 22 - Trade Union Representation on Integration Joint Board
To provide an update on an action from the Integration Joint Board (IJB) meeting held in February 2017 regarding Third Sector trade union representation on the IJB.
Item No. 23 - Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report 2016/17
To present the annual report from the Chief Social Work Officer for the year 2016/17, prepared in line with Scottish Government guidance.