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New Film Explores the Effects of Domestic Abuse on Children

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Published: November 01 2018 | Domestic Abuse

An educational film for school children that addresses the impact of domestic abuse on children, was launched in June to teachers, pupils and the Minister for Early Years and Childcare, Maree Todd MSP.

The film ‘Keeping Mum’, which stars Mark Cox and Jane McCarry, better known for their roles as Tam and Isa in the hit comedy Still Game, was developed by Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s Health Improvement Team, Glasgow Violence Against Women Partnership, Community Safety Glasgow and Baldy BaneTheatre Company.  

GCHSCP South Locality Engagement Forum Bulletin December 2018

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Read the latest news from Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership's South Locality Engagement Forum.

December 2018

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Welcome to the Partnership's December 2018 Newsletter. This edition looks at the achievements of staff at recent awards, the consultation on the Partnership's draft Strategic Plan 2019-2022 as well as help for homeless people, carers and our work as a Corporate Parent.

Glasgow City HSCP ‘Gets Ready’ for COP26

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Published: October 01 2021

The United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP26 – will soon arrive in Glasgow, taking place from Sunday, 31 October to Friday, 12 November. The event will be one of the largest ever held in Glasgow, with more than 25,000 people expected to attend the event including world leaders, their delegations and climate activists.

National Award for Pharmacy Led Pain Clinic

News Item
Published: October 01 2021 | Pharmaceutical Services

A pharmacist-led pain clinic in Govanhill Health Centre has won a national award for the ‘Addressing Overprescribing’ category and an overall Silver Award, as voted by the audience, at the PrescQIPP Annual Awards 2021. The winners were announced at an online award ceremony on 13 October.

PrescQIPP is an independent not-for-profit organisation, funded by the NHS, which supports the NHS to improve medicines-related care to patients through robust, accessible, evidence-based resources. 

We’re Keeping #ThePromise to Glasgow’s Children

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Published: October 01 2021
The Promise, or Pinky Promise for young children, is Scotland’s plan for changing and revamping the care system to ensure our children and young people grow up loved, safe and respected.

Public Protection Bulletin - 29 October 2021

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Public Protection Bulletin dated 29 October 2021 in relation to COVID-19 and safeguarding adults and children.

Partnership Matters - October 2021

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Our October edition features a message from our Chief Officer, Susanne Millar; we provide an update on Maximising Independence; you can read about #ThePromise we're keeping to Glasgow's Children; we highlight a new Improving Modern Apprenticeship Programme; and we join partners in delivering a new Deaf Mental Health Peer Support Worker Service. Also in this edition are links to lots of other news, along with dates of key meetings and events.

Virtual Afternoon Tea for Centenarian Service Users

News Item
Published: November 01 2021 | Social Care

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Home Care service hosted a ‘virtual afternoon tea’ this month for service users aged 100 years and over.

Pioneering Prison Project to Help Reduce Drug Deaths

News Item
Published: November 01 2021 | Addictions

Prisoners leaving Barlinnie Prison in Glasgow are being offered a life-saving nasal inhaler, which can save the life of someone who has an opioid overdose. 

Nyxoid is a nasal spray version of naloxone, which temporarily reverses the effects of opioids such as heroin, methadone, fentanyl, oxycodone, buprenomorphine and morphine. When administered, it buys time for emergency services to provide appropriate treatment for someone who is having an overdose.

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