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Item No.4 - Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014

June 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports | Finance

This report has been referred from Integration Joint Board for information.

Item No 09 - GCVS Health & Social Care Team Presentation

August 2022 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports

Item No.5 - IJB Audit Plan

June 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To present to the Finance and Audit Committee further detail on the 2016/17 Internal Audit Plan for the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board.

Item No.6 - IJB Annual Report 2015/2016

June 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To present to the Finance and Audit Committee the Chief Internal Auditor’s Annual Report for 2015/16.

14 September 2022 - CANCELLED

| Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Item No.7 - Draft Annual Governance Statement 2015/16

June 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports | Governance

To present to the Finance and Audit Committee the draft Annual Governance Statement for the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board for 2015/16.

Glasgow Dementia Strategy

April 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Strategy | Dementia

Item No.8 - Unaudited Annual Accounts

June 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To present to Finance and Audit Committee the Unaudited Annual Accounts.

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