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Partnership Matters - March/April 2023

Newsletter item
| Newsletter
Our March/April edition features a message from our Chief Officer, Susanne Millar; we highlight the Live Well programme which aims to remove barriers to taking part in sporting and cultural activities; we feature the launch of our first Domestic Abuse Strategy; you can read an update on the Parkhead Health and Care Hub; we celebrate the work of Elevate-Glasgow and the achievements of individuals supported by them; and there's also our latest annual report highlighting the work of our HSCP's Health Improvement Team. Also in this edition are links to lots of other news, along with dates of key meetings and events.

10 May 2023

| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

November 2015

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

Our November newsletter continues to focus on sharing with you some of the important work that is going on across the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. It also answers the most frequently asked questions staff have about integration, along with providing details of the Integrated Care Fund and some of the important and innovative work that it is supporting.

24 May 2023

| Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee

Briefings, Bulletins and Newsletters


The HSCP’s Partnership Matters briefing highlights some of the work that’s happening across the HSCP with partners. It currently includes featured updates and announcements, news items and upcoming meetings and events. From time-to-time, the HSCP also publishes bulletins and newsletters on specific services or topics. If you have any suggestions for future editions of Partnership Matters, email

14 June 2023

| Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Our Staff

Our staff are highly motivated and dedicated to their jobs. Watch our video to hear them talking about their roles.

October 2015

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

Welcome to the October Integration newsletter, and thank you very much for all your feedback and comments on the last edition. We hope we’ve covered some of the main topics you told us you’d like to hear about in this issue including details on how you can give your views on our draft strategic plan.

Financial Regulations


Under Scottish Government Regulations for all Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) in Scotland, the Chief Officer, supported by the Chief Officer, Finance and Resources, must ensure that there are adequate systems and controls in place for the proper management of the IJB's financial affairs.  Glasgow City IJB’s Financial Regulations were approved by the IJB in May 2019.

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