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Partnership Matters - March/April 2023

Newsletter item
| Newsletter
Our March/April edition features a message from our Chief Officer, Susanne Millar; we highlight the Live Well programme which aims to remove barriers to taking part in sporting and cultural activities; we feature the launch of our first Domestic Abuse Strategy; you can read an update on the Parkhead Health and Care Hub; we celebrate the work of Elevate-Glasgow and the achievements of individuals supported by them; and there's also our latest annual report highlighting the work of our HSCP's Health Improvement Team. Also in this edition are links to lots of other news, along with dates of key meetings and events.

Anonymous Responses

April 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Consultation | Public Engagement

Anonymous responses received to the 'Participation and Engagement Strategy' Consultation

Haddock, Graham

May 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Declarations of Interest

Agenda - 10/05/2023

May 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Agenda

Item No 05 - Rolling Action List

May 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

Item No 08 - IJB 2023-24 Budget - EQIA Update

May 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Equality Impact Assessments undertaken in relation to budget savings proposals agreed in principle at the IJB in March, and to seek approval to implement the relevant savings.

Item No 09 - Interim National Care Home Contract Increase 2023-24

May 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The purpose of this report is to update the IJB on an interim increase to the National Care Home Contract (NCHC) fee rates for 2023/24 and the proposed increases on our other commissioned services. To gain approval for the payment of the interim rates and instruct Glasgow City Council to vary the National Care Home contracts with providers to reflect the interim agreement.

Item No 10 - Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan Service Developments 2023-24

May 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The paper updates the Integration Joint Board on the activity within Homelessness Services to progress the delivery of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP). The report also updates on and seeks approval for the proposals for the final phase 5 (Year 5) spend aligned to the RRTP 2019/20-2023/24.

Item No 11 - Glasgow City IJB Membership Update

May 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To provide an update on a number of appointments to Glasgow City IJB and seek approval of the appointment of a Third Sector representative on the IJB. To seek approval of appointment of an NHS Non-Executive to Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee.

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