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Message from Susanne Millar - Partnership Matters Briefing - July 2021


June saw us celebrate Carers Week up and down the country, highlighting the importance of unpaid carers, with this year’s theme being ‘Making Caring Visible and Valued’.

COVID-19 Message from Gordon Bryan - July 2021


Please see below a personal video message from Gordon Bryan, Head of Care Services, Glasgow City HSCP, in which he gives an update on how staff within his teams have been continuing to support service users during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and thanks staff for all their incredible efforts. 

Please press play for the video to start:

Glasgow City Integration Joint Board (IJB) Strategic Plan Update


Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is currently planning for the review of our current Strategic Plan with a view to developing a new plan that will cover the period 2023 – 26. We’re taking a different approach to reviewing our current plan and developing a new one this time around, with much more emphasis on co-production with the support of our partners in the third and independent sectors.

COVID-19 Message from Susanne Millar - September 2021

In the September issue of our Partnership Matters Briefing, our HSCP’s Chief Officer Susanne Millar catches up with us in a video and talks about the importance of reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic and how we also need to continue to keep ourselves and others safe.

COVID-19 Message from Mike Burns - October 2021


Please see below a personal video message from Mike Burns, our HSCP’s Assistant Chief Officer for Children’s Services and North East Operations. In his video, Mike talks about some of the ways in which children, young people and families have been supported during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and thanks staff for all their incredible efforts. He also talks about Care Leavers Day (29 October), celebrating the achievements of the young people who we look after and care for on a day-to-day basis and recognising the work that we’ve been doing to support them.

Maximising Independence Update – October 2021


What makes you happy?  Looking forward to travelling and seeing new places, spending time with family and friends, taking up a favourite sport or relaxing at home with a box set? 

When we think about what makes us happy, we often think about the big things because we can take for granted that the essentials are in place – like living somewhere you can call home, where you feel safe, doing things you enjoy and spending time with the people and things you care about.

Briefings, Bulletins and Newsletters


The HSCP’s Partnership Matters briefing highlights some of the work that’s happening across the HSCP with partners. It currently includes featured updates and announcements, news items and upcoming meetings and events. From time-to-time, the HSCP also publishes bulletins and newsletters on specific services or topics. If you have any suggestions for future editions of Partnership Matters, email

Our Staff

Our staff are highly motivated and dedicated to their jobs. Watch our video to hear them talking about their roles.
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