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COVID-19 Message from Dr. Ruth Stocks


Please see below a personal video message from Dr. Ruth Stocks, Professional Lead for Psychology (Glasgow City HSCP and NHSGG&C), giving an update on the HSCP’s commitment to supporting staff health and wellbeing during the health crisis and in the longer-term, and thanking staff for all of their efforts.

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New North East Hub at Parkhead


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is working with Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership to develop a new health and social care Hub at Parkhead in North East Glasgow, on the site of the former Parkhead Hospital, and current Sandyford, Anvil and Health Centres at Salamanca Street.

COVID-19 Message from Geri McCormick


Please see below a personal video message from Geri McCormick, Head of Commissioning, giving an update on some of the key actions that have been taken in Commissioning to manage and respond to the impact of COVID-19, and thanking staff for all their efforts.

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Participation Requests

A Participation Request can be made by an eligible community participation body (for example a Community Council) to a public service authority to request participation and involvement in a specific decision making process

Message from Susanne Millar to Providers


Please see below a personal video message from Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City HSCP recognising and thanking providers of HSCP purchased services for their efforts and support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 Message from Fiona Moss


Please see below a personal video message from Fiona Moss, Head of Health Improvement and Equalities, giving an update on some of the key actions that have been taken in Health Improvement and Equalities to manage and respond to the impact of COVID-19, and thanking staff for all their efforts.

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Web Accessibility Guidance


The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 came into force on 23 September 2018. The Regulations require that public sector websites and mobile apps be made more accessible to all users, particularly for users who have accessibility needs. This includes all their design, coding and content.

A Safe Return to the Workplace


A video is available to show some of the main changes that have been made to our offices to support a safe working environment for staff returning to their workplace.

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COVID-19 Message from Susanne Millar


Please see below a personal video message from Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City HSCP, in which she talks about the recovery and renewal of our services and thanks staff for all their continued efforts to keep the City supported during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  

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COVID-19 Message from Janet Hayes


Please see below a personal video message from Janet Hayes, Head of Planning and Strategy for Adult Services and North West Locality, giving an update on some of the key action that have been taken in Adult Services to manage and respond to the impact of COVID-19, and thanking staff for all their efforts.

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