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New Health and Care Hub in North East Glasgow moves Closer

News Item
Published: June 01 2020 | Health and Care Centres

The prospect of a new £64.3 million state-of-the-art Health and Care Centre for the North East of Glasgow moved one step closer on Tuesday, 2 June. 

An interim Board meeting of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde agreed the outline business cases which will now be submitted to the Scottish Government’s Capital Investment Group for funding.

The centre, which is proposed for the Parkhead Hospital site, will bring together the key supports from a range of health and care professionals to tackle health inequalities, improve health and contribute to social regeneration.

Locality Engagement Forum Online Engagement Session

Microsoft Teams
GCHSCP Event | Public Engagement

Join our Online Locality Engagement Sessions using Microsoft Teams. Topics are Living with Diabetes and Parkhead Hub Update.

Helping Hands Initiative: Brief and Application Process 

North East Hub Project

Thank you for your interest. The application deadline of 31 August 2021 has now passed. We have received a number of high quality applications from local groups. All submissions will now be considered by the panel and you will receive a reply in due course.

As part of the North East Hub (Parkhead Hub) Health and Care Centre project and our commitment towards community investment, we are seeking to deliver the next hub West Scotland Helping Hands Initiative within the North East / Parkhead area of Glasgow.  

Item No.12 - Integrated Health and Social Care in North East Glasgow

February 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Health and Care Centres, Health, Social Care

This paper sets out an initial proposal for the development of a hub for the community in the east end of Glasgow. Our initial site appraisal identified Parkhead as our preferred option.

February 2017

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

In this issue we feature the official openings of the new Maryhill Health and Care Centre and the new Glasgow Psychological Trauma Centre. An exciting new development is the consultation on the proposed development of a Health and Social Care Hub at Parkhead in April and May. We also feature work with Young Carers and the Children and Young People Services Plan 2017-20.

Partnership Matters Briefing - November/December 2022

Newsletter item
| Newsletter
Our November/December edition features a message from our Chief Officer, Susanne Millar; we celebrate the success of colleagues at the HSCP Staff Awards for Excellence 2022; we highlight the achievements of our Care Experienced Young People; you can read about our Strategic Plan review; we update you on the work at Parkhead Hub and you can read about our newly-launched Health and Social Care Connect service. Also in this edition are links to lots of other news, along with dates of key meetings and events.

Item No 19 - Mental Health 2 Ward Design Build Finance and Maintain (DBFM) Scheme

October 2016 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To advise the Integration Joint Board of the proposals approved by the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Board at its meeting on Tuesday, 19 April 2016, for the development of two new fit for purpose wards at the Stobhill site procured through the Hub West Design, Build, Finance and Maintain (DBFM) route to conclude the agreed inpatient redesign programme in North Glasgow that would see the withdrawal of services from both Parkhead Hospital and Birdston Care Home.

Primary Care Improvement Plan - Bulletins and Additional Information

Bulletin No 21 - October 2024 - Part 1 and Part 2Bulletin No 20 - July 2024

Partnership Matters - March/April 2023

Newsletter item
| Newsletter
Our March/April edition features a message from our Chief Officer, Susanne Millar; we highlight the Live Well programme which aims to remove barriers to taking part in sporting and cultural activities; we feature the launch of our first Domestic Abuse Strategy; you can read an update on the Parkhead Health and Care Hub; we celebrate the work of Elevate-Glasgow and the achievements of individuals supported by them; and there's also our latest annual report highlighting the work of our HSCP's Health Improvement Team. Also in this edition are links to lots of other news, along with dates of key meetings and events.

Partnership Matters - July/August 2023

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

Our July/August edition features a message from our Chief Officer, Susanne Millar; you can read about our HSCP’s new £72 million Parkhead Health and Care Hub, whose construction is well under way; our ‘Circles of Support’ project is featured, and we celebrate our HSCP Glasgow City Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service’s Crisis Outreach Service which was the winner of the Nursing Team of the Year Award, and Linda Doonan, Nurse Team Leader who was a finalist for Mental Health Nurse of the Year.

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