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Social Care Service

How do I ask for a social care service?

If you already have a social worker then you should contact them direct. Otherwise during office hours you can contact Health and Social Care Connect who will ask you some questions to find out your needs and how best to meet these. You can contact Health and Social Care Connect by:

If in an emergency and you need a service outwith office hours, then you can contact Glasgow and Partners Emergency Social Work Services on 0300 343 1505.

There are also a number of local social work offices within the North East, North West and South of Glasgow City.

You can also apply online for the following services:

Can I get a service?

When you contact us, we will ask you some questions about your needs and the support that you require (or the person who you are contacting us on behalf of). We call this an ‘assessment’ and it is a conversation between us, yourself and your carer, if you have one. These questions let us know what matters to you and helps us identify the support and advice you need to help you live as independent a life as you can. Sometimes it will only take a matter of days to identify the support you need, and for others it may take some time. After our conversation with you, you may or may not need input from social work and health. We may recommend other people, places or services who can support and assist you with your needs better. An example of the help and support you may need includes linking you to supports in your community, healthcare, equipment, help in your home or residential care, support for carers and support for children and families.

There is also more information available on:

  • our eligibility criteria for adult and older people social care services. Not everyone will qualify for a service – we may only be able to provide information, advice, guidance or signposting to people assessed as not eligible for a service.

Do I need to pay for services?

If it is agreed that you need a social care service then you may have to make some contribution towards the cost of the service you use. However, this will be based on your ability to pay, not the cost of the service. You will not pay more than you can afford and you will not pay more than the cost of the service. A financial assessment will be carried to work out how much you need to pay based on your own circumstances.

For more information on paying for your service, see our Charging Policy or our easy-read Client Contribution Guide on Your Support Your Way Glasgow.

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