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Shannon’s Box brings comfort to children and young people in care

News Item
Published: October 01 2023

Last month, our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) launched Shannon’s Box. The box will be distributed to every child and young person in Glasgow who is currently in care or is coming into care.

Shannon’s Box was originally created by a care experienced young person from East Ayrshire to try and make entering care a little bit easier. The idea of Shannon’s Box was then introduced to two care experienced twins from Glasgow – Emma and Alan. 

Partnership Matters - September/October 2023

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Our September/October edition features a message from our Chief Officer, Susanne Millar; you can read about our Community Rehabilitation Teams, who are making a difference helping patients to maximise their independence; we ran a campaign to raise awareness in the city about suicide prevention; we celebrated our HSCP staff being recognised at a number of national and local awards; and you can read about our HSCP’s Annual Performance Report 2022 to 2023 and our Demographics and Needs Profile.

Public Protection Bulletin - 12 October 2023

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Public Protection Bulletin dated 12 October 2023 in relation to safeguarding adults and children

Public Protection Bulletin - 1 November 2023

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Public Protection Bulletin dated 1 November 2023 in relation to safeguarding adults and children.

Maximising Independence Newsletter - Issue 2 (October 2023)

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We aim to bring you a regular update on the main news and developments, and keep you up to date with how you can get involved with initiatives in your own area.

28 June 2023

| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

15 November 2023

| Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee

Public Protection Bulletin - 15 November 2023

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

Public Protection Bulletin dated 15 November 2023 in relation to safeguarding adults and children.

29 November 2023

| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

Glasgow celebrates its care experienced young people at Open Day

News Item
Published: December 01 2023
Care Experienced Week is a national campaign that signifies an annual opportunity to celebrate the Care Experienced community; to champion their accomplishments and amplify their voices.
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