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COVID-19 Message from Jim McBride - May 2021
Please see below a personal video message from Jim McBride, Head of Adult Services (Homelessness and Community Justice), GCHSCP, in which he gives an update on how staff within his teams have been keeping service users supported during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and thanks staff for all their incredible efforts.
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Helping Hands Initiative: Brief and Application Process
Thank you for your interest. The application deadline of 31 August 2021 has now passed. We have received a number of high quality applications from local groups. All submissions will now be considered by the panel and you will receive a reply in due course.
As part of the North East Hub (Parkhead Hub) Health and Care Centre project and our commitment towards community investment, we are seeking to deliver the next hub West Scotland Helping Hands Initiative within the North East / Parkhead area of Glasgow.
Glasgow City HSCP - Healthy Working Lives Activity
Healthy Working Lives (HWL) is now part of the Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Group that has representatives across the HSCP. Each locality has a coordinator with HWL champions in many locations. These champions help to spread the HWL message and organise local activities.
Staff Health and Wellbeing (Healthy Working Lives) BulletinsAutumn 2022 Bulletin
COVID-19 Message from Janet McCullough
Please see below a personal video message from Janet McCullough, Head of Children’s Services (South), Glasgow City HSCP, in which she gives an update on how staff within her teams have been keeping children, young people and families supported during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and thanks staff for all their incredible efforts.
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COVID-19 Message from Susanne Millar
Please see below a personal video message from Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, GCHSCP thanking all our staff for their efforts during Coronavirus.
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COVID-19 HSCP Update
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is a partnership between Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) for the planning and delivery of community health and social care services in Glasgow.
On this webpage you will find updates on the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our health and social care services that we are responsible for. It also includes some links to national and local websites with more information, advice and guidance on COVID-19.
COVID-19 Message from Frances McMeeking
Please see below a personal video message from Frances McMeeking, Assistant Chief Officer (Operational Care Services), GCHSCP, thanking all our staff for their efforts and giving an update on key actions being taken to manage and respond to the impact of COVID-19 on our health and social care services within Operational Care Services.
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COVID-19 Message from Julia Egan
Please see below a personal video message from Dr. Julia Egan, Chief Nurse, Glasgow City HSCP, thanking all our staff for their efforts and giving an update on key actions being taken to manage and respond to the impact of COVID-19 on our health and social care services.
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COVID-19 Message from Pat Togher
Please see below a personal video message from Pat Togher, Assistant Chief Officer (Public Protection and Complex Needs), GCHSCP, thanking all our staff for their efforts and giving an update on key actions being taken to manage and respond to the impact of COVID-19 on our health and social care services within Public Protection and Complex Needs.
Please press play for the video to start: