Integrated Children and Young People’s Services Plan
The Glasgow City Integrated Children and Young People’s Services Plan 2023-26 outlines the key areas of focus for children’s services over the next three years. You can also access the summary version of the plan.
Producing the plan is a requirement of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. Our plan sets out the strategic direction for the planning and delivery of services for children, young people and families in Glasgow City. It includes six aims:
- Children and young people are safe, protected and valued in their communities and neighbourhoods
- Children and young people’s health and wellbeing is promoted and improved
- Children, young people and their families receive flexible support to address the impact of poverty and the Cost of Living crisis
- Children and young people are well supported in their families and communities
- Children and young people are supported to achieve their full potential through excellent and inclusive education, employment and life opportunities
- Children and young people are involved and included, and their views are influential in the development and delivery of services
These priorities were identified by children and young people as the most important areas for children’s services. Our consultation for this plan involved creative engagement with groups of children and young people in schools and community groups through art and design, storytelling and drama. Feedback from these sessions suggested that the priorities outlined in the last plan were the right direction for Glasgow City, but also acknowledged the importance of poverty for families in the current Cost of Living crisis, which led to this being developed as a priority focus.
The plan was developed for the Community Planning Partnership and Integrated Joint Board by key representatives of the Children’s Services Planning Partnership and has been approved by the IJB and the Children’s Services Executive Group, and also presented at the Education, Early Years and Skills Committee.