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Hundreds of Homeless People Receive Covid-19 Vaccinations
Hundreds of vulnerable homeless people are receiving their first Covid-19 vaccinations in Glasgow as teams of nurses visit temporary accommodation and support services to provide injections.

Glasgow's Winter Night Shelter now open with a change of name and a new location.
Now known as the Overnight Welcome Centre, the emergency accommodation for people at risk of rough sleeping in winter will be provided in a Glasgow hotel, rather than in Lodging Housing Mission in East Campbell Street.
New Advice and Support Centre for Homeless People
A brand-new multi-agency advice and support hub for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness was opened on 24 September in Glasgow’s Argyle Street.

Green Fingered Staff and Service Users
Staff and service users at the Glasgow City HSCP Chara Centre in Possilpark have been using the good weather during lockdown to maintain the centre’s garden.
The social work centre provides emergency homeless accommodation for 27 females from all walks of life and cultures.

Partnership Working is Helping to House the City’s Homeless
Teams across the council family have been working hard throughout lockdown to make sure that there are enough temporary furnished flats available for homeless households who need them.

Sky's the Limit for Former Homeless Man Michael
New dad, Michael Wright, plans to jump out of a plane at 10,000ft to thank Glasgow's Housing First scheme for helping him rebuild his life after homelessness.
New App for Young Residents
The James McLean Project (JMP) provides accommodation and support to homeless young men and women aged 16 to 21. The team at the JMP in Barmulloch has launched an App, which will transform the way they communicate with their service users.

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership Shortlisted in Local Government Chronicle Awards

Winter Night Shelter Open from 1 December 2018 until 31 March 2019

Out of Hours Emergency Homelessness Service based at Hamish Allan Centre
Following the initial pilot of relocating the Out of Hours Emergency Homelessness Service, we are now extending the relocation period.