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Listening to patients – What Matters to You Day
Staff at Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Centre for Health and Care at Plean St, Scotstoun celebrated ‘What Matters to You’ day on 6 June with a stall outside to chat to patients.
Feedback on Recent HSCP Locality Engagement Forum (LEF) Events
Physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges for the usual ways in which Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) seeks the views and experiences of people who access our health and care services.
Knightswood Community Plant Trees for COP26
Playing a small part for COP26, as part of a joint multi-generational project, Knightswood Connects facilitated the planting of trees in Knightswood in partnership with Friends of Knightswood Park.

Using Technology to Engage with our Local Communities
Do you care about your community and local health and social care services and want to have your voice heard?
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP) is responsible for the planning, design and delivery of Child, Adult and Older People's local health and social care services.
GCHSCP South Locality Engagement Session - Spotllght on Older People's Services
Staff, service users, carers, community representatives and others came together at a South Locality Engagement Session on 26th February to discuss developments in older people’s health and care services.

Local People Discuss Health and Social Care Services in North West Glasgow
Glasgow City HSCP (GCHSCP) North West Locality Engagement Forum (LEF) members, service users and representatives of the wider community met at Partick Burgh Hall on the 26 February 2019, to discuss the draft GCHSCP North West Locality Plan 2019/2020.

Local People Discuss Older People's Health and Care Services in North West Glasgow
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership North West Locality Engagement Forum (LEF) members met with representatives of the wider community and speakers at the Albany Centre on the 31 January 2019 to discuss and focus on Older People’s services in North West Glasgow.

South Locality Let's Talk About Mental Health Event
In the third of a series of South Glasgow locality engagement events staff, service users, carers, community representatives and others came together on 8th February to discuss developments in local mental health services.

Health and Social Care Information Just A Click Away
Members of the Partnership's North East Locality Forum took part in a demonstration of the Your Support Your Way Glasgow Website on Thursday 15 February.