Share your views on our HSCP’s Locality Plans
Draft Locality Plans from 2024 to 2025 for Glasgow City HSCP’s (HSCP) North East, North West and South Localities were recently approved by our Integration Joint Board (IJB), and they can be viewed on our HSCP’s website.
We’ll now be undertaking targeted stakeholder engagement on the plans in the coming months before publishing final versions. Feedback gathered during the engagement will be used to inform the content and format of Locality Plans for 2025 to 2026.
You can share your views by completing our short survey.
Locality plans show how our IJB’s Strategic Plan is being implemented locally, and how the localities will respond to local needs and issues. They focus on the key actions that localities are taking forward, and localities will be held accountable for their delivery.
Karen Lockhart, our HSCP’s Interim Chief Officer for Adult Services and North West Locality commented: “Locality Plans play a very important role in helping to involve people and communities in conversations around what matters to them and influencing our planning and delivery of health and social care services.
“We want people living or working in Glasgow City to tell us what they’d like to see reflected in future locality plans and how best we should be engaging and involving people and communities in the development of those plans.”
The format of the draft plans and engagement approach has been influenced by feedback from members of our HSCP’s Locality Engagement Forums.
Membership includes service users, local residents, community organisations and carers. While the format of the forums varies slightly across our three localities, they have the common goal of enabling stakeholders to come together to both learn more about HSCP initiatives and to shape local priorities.