Publications Archive
Item No 5 - IJB Performance Scrutiny Rolling Actions List 21.11.2018
Item No 6 - Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Annual Report 2017-18
The purpose of this report is to highlight to the IJB Performance Scrutiny Committee that the Glasgow Annual MAPPA Report was published on 26th October 2018 and to note the content.
Item No 7 - Clinical and Professional Quarterly Assurance Statement
To provide the IJB Performance Scrutiny Committee with a quarterly clinical and professional assurance statement.
Item No 8 - IJB Equalities Mainstreaming and Outcomes Plan - Progress Report
To report the second year of progress on the first Glasgow City Integration Joint Board Equalities Mainstreaming and Outcomes Report published in 2016.
Item No 9 - The Fairer Scotland Duty
To brief members on the new ‘Fairer Scotland’ duty, which came into force in Scotland in April 2018, the implications of the duty for the IJB and recommend action to meet these Duties.
IJB-Performance Scrutiny Committee Minute 01.08.18
Item No 3 - IJB-Performance Scrutiny Committee Minute 12-12-2018 (Draft)
Item No 6 - Glasgow City Council Strategic Plan 2017-2022
To present the Council’s Strategic Plan for the period 2017-2022.
Item No 7 - IJB Development Sessions - Feedback
Summary of brief evaluations collected from IJB Development Sessions.
Item No 9 - Glasgow City HSCP Children's Services - Child Protection Registration
To highlight the reduction in child protection registrations across GCHSCP since January 2017 with a specific focus on the North East locality. The report is complimented with an audit summarising the context and exploring the findings in response to the change in trends.