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EQIA - Transformational Change Programme (Children's Services 2018-2021)

June 2018 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Policy and Equality, Children and Families

Item No.12 - Families for Unaccompanied Refugee Children

December 2016 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Children and Families, Asylum Seekers | 09 December 2016

The purpose of this report is to outline the proposed process for Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership to work with faith communities and Positive Action in Housing to identify families who can provide accommodation and support to young unaccompanied asylum seekers

Item No.19 - Children and Young People Residential Modernisation

December 2016 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Children and Families, Young People | 09 December 2016

The purpose of this report is to provide the Integration Joint Board with an update on progress to date for the Phase 1 Residential New Build Modernisation Programme for Children & Young People and to note approval for funding and implementation of a Phase 2 New Build and

Item No.10 - Children's Services Transformation

March 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Children and Families | 15 March 2017

To seek approval of a number of proposals in respect of Children’s Services to transform the balance of care; to maximise the infra-structure available in the City; and, consequently to radically reduce the cost and use of high cost placements out with the City in tandem with

Item No.6 - Children's Services Inspection

August 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Executive Committee | Papers and Reports | Children and Families | 29 August 2016

To advise IJB-Executive Committee of the forthcoming inspection of Children’s Services

Item No.20 - Glasgow City HSCP Corporate Parenting Action Plan

June 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Children and Families | 21 June 2017

The purpose of this report is to seek agreement from the Integration Joint Board to publish the draft corporate parenting action plan for consultation

Glasgow's Family Support Strategy - Draft Version 7, 23 March 2019

May 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Children and Families

Glasgow Child Poverty Action Plan 2018-2019

June 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Children and Families

Item No.13 - Corporate Parenting

September 2016 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Children and Families | 21 September 2016

To describe how the Integration Joint Board/Health and Social Care Partnership will support the Council and Health Board to fulfill their statutory duties as corporate parents for looked after children

Item No.16 - Named Person HUB

September 2016 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Children and Families, Child Protection | 21 September 2016

To brief the Integration Joint Board on the current position in relation to the implementation of the named person service

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