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Shannon’s Box brings comfort to children and young people in care

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Published: October 01 2023

Last month, our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) launched Shannon’s Box. The box will be distributed to every child and young person in Glasgow who is currently in care or is coming into care.

Shannon’s Box was originally created by a care experienced young person from East Ayrshire to try and make entering care a little bit easier. The idea of Shannon’s Box was then introduced to two care experienced twins from Glasgow – Emma and Alan. 

Glasgow celebrates its care experienced young people at Open Day

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Published: December 01 2023
Care Experienced Week is a national campaign that signifies an annual opportunity to celebrate the Care Experienced community; to champion their accomplishments and amplify their voices.

Glasgow City Health Improvement Annual Report 2022 to 2023 now available

News Item
Published: November 01 2023 | Health Improvement

The latest annual report highlighting the work of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Health Improvement Team is now available.

The report provides an insight into the progress made by Health Improvement around improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities during 2022 to 2023.

Remember, remember the 23rd of November – National Power of Attorney Day

News Item
Published: November 01 2023 | Carers
National Power of Attorney (PoA) Day on 23 November is when the public are reminded of the importance of having Power of Attorney - a legal document that allows an agreed person to act on their behalf in the event of an emergency, illness or accident.

Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Scheme expands across Glasgow

News Item
Published: November 01 2023 | Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is important to the health of both mother and baby. While many new mums start breastfeeding, some stop within a few weeks or months. This is often because they feel there’s a lack of support, particularly when they want to feed their baby outside their home. 

Congratulations to both Tesco Silverburn, which is the first supermarket in Glasgow, and Glasgow Caledonian University, the first University in Scotland, to sign up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Scheme (BFS). 

New HSCP Guide signposts Cost of Living Support

News Item
Published: November 01 2023 | Health Improvement
Our new Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Cost of Living Guide was circulated this summer to a wide variety of HSCP services and third sector organisations. The guide was initiated by our HSCP’s Child Poverty Steering Group and created by our Health Improvement staff, to make it easier for people within communities impacted by the cost of living crisis to access sources of support.  

Alcohol Related Brain Damage Recovery Passport

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Published: November 01 2023
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) has produced a Recovery Passport for people who are living with the impact of Alcohol Related Brain Damage (ARBD).

TEC Clinics help take the fear out of technology

News Item
Published: December 01 2023 | Information Communication Technology

You’re probably reading this article on a laptop or mobile device. We use technology routinely across most areas of our lives now. But for many people, technology can be a barrier to the wider community, as well as a welcome lifeline. While tech devices can support people to access care, support and social connection, a lack of awareness and understanding of what’s available and how to use tech can be a real hurdle.

HSCP manager receives award for his work from Chartered Institute of Housing

News Item
Published: December 01 2023 | Homelessness

Kevin Howe, Assistant Service Manager for Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Homelessness Service, has received a prestigious award for his work outlining the implications of rent controls in the private rented sector.

Parkhead Hub – December 2023 Update

News Item
Published: December 01 2023 | Health and Care Centres
Progress with the construction 

Construction of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) new Parkhead Health and Social Care Hub at Salamanca Street, Parkhead is well underway. 

The building is due to open in August 2024 and will bring together community health and social care services currently located at nine different sites. It will also include general practitioner services, community pharmacy and dental, community spaces including bookable rooms, a new library and a café.

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