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Partnership Matters Briefing - March/April 2024

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In her last issue of Partnership Matters as our HSCP’s Chief Officer, Susanne Millar reflects in a video message about her time in Social Work and then the HSCP before she takes up her new role of Chief Executive of Glasgow City Council. Also featured this month, our Staff Awards for Excellence 2024 took place which recognise and celebrate individual staff, teams and projects who have ‘gone the extra mile’. Our residential Care Homes have launched “Meaningful Connections” which aims to create positive connections for the residents with family, friends, staff and their local community.

North West Locality Engagement Forum


You can find details of future and previous meetings and events below.

Next meeting or event

Performance and Demographics


On this webpage you will find links to Quarterly Performance Reports and Annual Performance Reports of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.

Public Protection Bulletin - 8 May 2024

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Public Protection Bulletin dated 8 May 2024 in relation to safeguarding adults and children.

Freedom of Information and Publication Scheme


The Glasgow City Integration Joint Board is required to comply with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 in making information that it holds available to the public either on request or proactively via its publication scheme.

Staff Health and Wellbeing


Welcome to our new health and wellbeing web page for all NHS and Council staff working within Glasgow City HSCP.  Staff health and wellbeing is important to us and we are committed to supporting staff to maintain and improve this. 

On this web page you will find information about health and wellbeing. There are links below that will hopefully make it easier for you to connect with national and local online resources.

Strategic and Locality Plans

Strategic Plan 2023-26

The current Glasgow City Integration Joint Board Strategic Plan for 2023-26 and key documents that form part of the Strategic Plan can be accessed by clicking on the links below: 

Strategic Plan 2023

This webpage includes a range of information on the review and development of Glasgow City Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care.

Equalities Mainstreaming and Outcomes Plan


We have identified five Equality Outcomes for 2024 to 2028.

Supporting GP practices with their acute prescribing

News Item
Published: May 01 2024 | Primary Care

An acute prescription is medication given to treat a sudden and short-term condition, also known as an acute condition, such as antibiotics to treat an infection. They’re also used when starting a new medication if there needs to be a review before you start taking it long term. If it’s deemed beneficial to your health, it may end up becoming a repeat prescription.

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