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Item No 7 - Attendance Management

December 2019 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To advise the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee of the latest absence levels across Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.

Item No 8 - Clinical and Professional Quarterly Assurance Statement

December 2019 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To provide the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee with a quarterly clinical and professional assurance statement.

Item No 9 - Internal Audit - 6 Monthly Update (April 2019 - October 2019)

December 2019 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To present to the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee details of the internal audit work undertaken at Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde that may have an impact upon the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board.

Item No 10 - Internal Audit - Review of Governance Arrangements

December 2019 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To present to the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee the main findings of the following audit report that was issued recently, together with a summary of action taken: Review of governance arrangements.

Item No 11 - Glasgow City Integration Joint Board Budget Monitoring for Month 7 and Period 8 2019/20

December 2019 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

This report outlines the financial position of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board as at 31st October 2019 (Health) and 25th October 2019 (Council), and highlights any areas of budget pressure and actions to mitigate these pressures.

Item No.10 - Glasgow HSCP Equalities Mainstreaming and Outcomes Plan

March 2016 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Equality

To present the IJB Plan for Equalities Mainstreaming and Outcomes for approval.

Item No 12 - Risk Management Quarterly Update

December 2019 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To provide an update to the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee on the status of the risk registers being maintained within the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. This report covers the review carried out in October 2019 in respect of changes to risk in the quarter ending September 2019.

Item No 13 - Climate Change Duties Report 2018/19

December 2019 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To present Glasgow City Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) Climate Change Duties Report 2018-19 which has been submitted to the Scottish Government.

GCHSPC Provider Event

News Item
Published: December 01 2019 | Contractors and Providers

Over 130 people attended Glasgow City HSCP’s Provider Event on 21 November at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. The event was aimed at providers of social care services, registered managers, HSCP senior management and HSCP commissioning and locality staff. 

Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City HSCP welcomed participants and gave an update on the Maximising Independence Transformational Change Programme, which will be taken forward by the HSCP working with a range of partners around the city, including the third sector. 

MCR Pathways: Sign Up and Help a Young Person Succeed

News Item
Published: January 01 2020 | Children and Families

Mentoring programme MCR Pathways are hoping to reach even more young people in 2020 and it’s easy to get involved. The MCR team recruit and train volunteer mentors who are matched with a young person based on personality, interests and experiences. Mentors meet with their young person in school for just one hour a week and provide a compassionate, listening ear. 

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