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COVID-19 Message from Gary Dover - Barr St


Please see below a personal video message from Gary Dover, Assistant Chief Officer, Primary Care and Early Intervention, GCHSCP, thanking staff for all their efforts during COVID-19 and providing an update on the Barr Street COVID-19 Community Assessment Centre and Care Home Testing Services and the staff engagement that's taken place with staff working there.

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Staff Experiences of Working at Barr Street


In May/June 2020, staff working at Glasgow City HSCP’s Barr Street COVID-19 Community Assessment Centre and Care Home Testing Services participated in a staff engagement survey.  Barr Street is one of a number of centres that opened up across Greater Glasgow and Clyde to help combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) by providing a more streamlined service to assess people presenting symptoms.  Some of the staff working at Barr Street share their experiences of working there in the below video.

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Seasonal Flu Vaccination Campaign 2020-21


The 2020-21 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) Flu Vaccination Campaign is now underway across Glasgow City. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and to do everything we can to keep our patients safe, the way people get flu vaccination may be different this year. 

COVID-19 Message from Isla Hyslop


See below a personal video message from Isla Hyslop, Head of Organisational Development, GCHSCP, giving an update on some of the work that her and her team have been involved in to support staff and managers throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and thanking staff for their contributions.
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COVID-19 Message from Susanne Millar


Please see below a personal video message from Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City HSCP, in which she talks about the importance of staff doing their part to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and keep themselves safe. She also thanks staff for all their continued efforts to keep the City supported during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

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COVID-19 Message from Dominique Harvey


Please see below a personal video message from Dominique Harvey, Head of Planning (Children’s Services and North East Locality), GCHSCP, in which she gives an update on how Children’s Services have been responding to the impact of COVID-19 and thanks staff for all their efforts in keeping the city supported.

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COVID-19 Message from Jim McBride


Please see below a personal video message from Jim McBride, Head of Adult Services (Homelessness and Community Justice), GCHSCP, in which he gives an update on how staff within his teams have been keeping service users and communities supported and safe throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and he thanks staff for all their incredible efforts. 

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COVID-19 Message from Susanne Millar - December 2020


Please see below a personal video message from Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City HSCP, in which she talks about the incredible contributions of staff this year in supporting the health and social care needs of Glasgow throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. She also expresses her immense thanks and deep gratitude for staff's continued support and contributions. 

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COVID-19 Message from Susanne Millar - January 2021


See below a personal video message from Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City HSCP, in which she thanks staff for their continued efforts to support the health and social care needs of the City during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and talks more about the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme and Level 4 restrictions.

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COVID-19 Message from Anne Mitchell


Please see below a personal video message from Anne Mitchell, Head of Older People and Primary Care Services (South), GCHSCP, in which she gives an update on how Older People’s Services have been responding to the impact of COVID-19 and thanks staff for all their efforts in keeping the health and social care needs of the city supported.

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