Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests
Glasgow City Integration Joint Board’s current Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests are available.
The current Standing Orders were approved by the Integration Joint Board on 19 September 2018, and the current Code of Conduct on 23 March 2022.
More information on the Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests are available below. For enquiries, please contact the Senior Officer (Governance Support) by email to
Further information and guidance can be found on the Standards Commission webpage.
Guidance for Participating in a Virtual Meeting is now available.
Standing Orders are rules and regulations for the conduct and proceedings of the Integration Joint Board and its committees. The Glasgow City Integration Joint Board is required by law to have its own Standing Orders in place. These are made under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 and the Public Bodies (Integration Joint Boards) (Scotland) Order 2014. The Standing Orders includes rules and regulations on, among other areas:
- membership including term of office/resignation
- appointment and role of the Chair and Vice Chair
- admission of the public and media to meetings
- conduct of meetings
- establishment of committees and
- code of conduct and declaration of interests
The Schemes of Delegation from the Integration Joint Board (IJB) outline the functions and powers that are delegated to the Committees of the IJB and to its officers. The functions delegated to the Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee and the Public Engagement Committee are as specified in the terms of reference of these Committees or in a decision of the Integration Joint Board (IJB). These functions are the responsibility of the relevant Committee, but may also be exercised by the IJB if members so decide. Committees are bound by the terms of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014, the terms of the Glasgow City Integration Scheme and the Standing Orders of the IJB.
The IJB has determined that all powers which are not specifically reserved to the Board or its Committees may be delegated to officers. The matters reserved to the Board or Committees are mainly the strategic policy, financial or regulatory issues requiring to be decided by the Board, while day-to-day operational matters are delegated to officers.
The Chief Officer will have delegated responsibility (from the Health Board and the Council) for all matters in respect of the operation, development and implementation of policy unless specifically reserved to the Board or other Committees. The Scheme of Delegation contains more detail on the nature of the powers that the Chief Officer may delegate to officers of the IJB.
The Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 sets out a framework for securing the observance of high standards by councillors and other persons holding public appointments. The Glasgow City Integration Joint Board is a public body, and as such is required to have in place a Code of Conduct that its members must comply with. The Code of Conduct includes information and guidelines on:
- key principles to Code of Conduct
- general conduct
- registration of interests
- declaration of interests and
- lobbying and access to members of public bodies
Declaration of Interests
As part of the Code of Conduct, all Members of the Integration Joint Board are required to make a declaration of interests, which must be made publicly available. Declarations for each Member of the Integration Joint Board are available below:
- Beckett, Fred
- Blench, Declan (Substitute)
- Bruce, Holly (Substitute)
- Bruce, Ian (Substitute)
- Casey, Allan
- Cawley, Martin
- Crighton, Emilia (Dr)
- Cunningham, Chris
- Currie, Gillian (Substitute)
- Dover, Gary
- Gaffney, Kelda
- Garrity, Marie (Substitute)
- Gould, David
- Graham, Stuart
- Graham, Una (Dr)
- Grimmond, Fi
- Haddock, Graham
- Harrow, Claire
- Hogg, Margaret
- Jenkins, Ann
- MacLeod, Norman
- MacPherson, Mary
- McCabe, Paul (Substitute)
- McDougall, Elaine
- Molyneux, Jon
- Morrison, Matt (Dr) (Substitute)
- Moss, Fiona (Substitute)
- O'Dowd, John (Dr)
- Raja, Hanif
- Reid-McConnell, Lana
- Reilly, David
- Ryan, Paul
- Scott, Danny (Substitute)
- Sermanni, Christopher (Substitute)
- Sheddan, Jennifer
- Vincent, Charles