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Glasgow City HSCP Buildings / Services Open to the Public During the Holiday Period
Parkhead Hub Update – December 2024
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) new Parkhead Hub building was completed in November, and the process of getting the building ready for staff and the public is well underway.
Our HSCP’s community nurses recognised for their long service by QNIS
Community nurses working with Glasgow City Health and Social Care (HSCP) Partnership were presented with Long Service Awards from the Queen's Institute for Community Nursing Scotland (QNIS) on 27 November.

Glasgow supports annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence campaign
This year, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) raised awareness and shined a light on 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence.
Changing the Narrative: Suicide prevention video with Partick Thistle FC manager helps raise awareness
World Suicide Prevention Day takes place annually on 10 September. Each year, our Glasgow City Suicide Prevention Partnership (GCSPP) organises activities and events to raise awareness of suicide across Glasgow City.
Transforming Children's Services in Glasgow: a strategic partnership with CELCIS
Aye Mind Website – a year from our relaunch
The Aye Mind website is designed to support those working with young people, to build their understanding of the online environment and how it impacts children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

Small steps can make a big impact on medicines waste and save money
Medicines are 25% of the NHS carbon footprint and currently cannot be recycled for reuse. We destroy over a tonne of returned medicines through pharmacies every working day.
Helping young people towards positive destinations
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) now has a young person’s employability service within key HSCP services. Glasgow City Council (GCC) is the lead partner for this, and Council staff work closely with our HSCP’s Health Improvement staff.
New Partnership with Glasgow Carers Launched Ahead of Carers Rights Day
On the lead up to Carers Rights Day on 21 November, our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership hosted an event to mark a new partnership with Glasgow Carers; a carer’s led group, founded by Marie McGinn in April 2024, to amplify the voices of carers.