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Item No 13 - Health Beyond the Pandemic within Glasgow

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To launch the findings of the 2023 Adult Health and Well-being Survey for Glasgow City and briefly describe some of the wider changes in health status since the pandemic to inform considerations of the public health priorities for the IJB and HSCP services.

Item No 14 - Glasgow Local Child Poverty Action Report 2022-23

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To report on the most recent Glasgow Local Child Poverty Action Report (LCPAR) and the GCHSCP contribution to this.

Item No 08 - Update on the Implementation of a Safer Drug Consumption Facility

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The purpose of the report is to update the IJB on the progress of the implementation of a Safer Drug Consumption Facility (SDCF) in Glasgow City, as approved at the IJB in September 2023. The paper outlines governance arrangements and provides updates from a range of workstreams reporting to the SDCF Implementation Board. The paper seeks approval to approach the Lord Advocate for the formal Statement of Prosecution Policy, to support full implementation of the SDCF.

Item No 09 - Glasgow City Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategy Refresh 2023-2026

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To advise of and seek approval from the Integration Joint Board (IJB) for the Glasgow City Alcohol and Drug Partnership’s (ADP) strategy refresh covering the period 2023-2026.

Item No 12 - IJB Meetings

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The purpose of this report is to consider and make a decision on progressing a return to face to face meetings of the Integration Joint Board and its Committees.

Item No 11 - Market Facilitation Plan

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To advise the IJB of the development of Glasgow’s first Market Facilitation Plan (MFP). To approve the publication of the document (Appendix 1).

EQIA - Justice Services Glasgow Framework

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Equality

Agenda - 24/01/2024

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Agenda

Item No 10 - Glasgow City IJB Grants Policy

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for an IJB
Grants Policy. This policy will apply to all grant funding
which is awarded by functions delegated to Glasgow City
Integration Joint Board (IJB) and delivered by the Health
and Social Care Partnership. It will apply to both Council
and Health Board functions which fall within this definition. 

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