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Consultations and Engagement

Periodically the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership and Glasgow City Integration Joint Board have formal consultation and engagement opportunities for people and organisations to share their views on specific proposals being developed for health and social care in Glasgow City.  This can include strategies, plans, service developments and service reviews among other areas.  It is in addition to the ways in which people and organisations are already involved in shaping the work of the Partnership and Integration Joint Board, including membership on the Integration Joint Board and its Committees.

On this webpage you will find some of the current and past consultations and engagement.

Good practice guidelines have also been developed to assist consultation activity on behalf of the Partnership and Integration Joint Board.  Both full and quick guide versions of the guidelines are available, which the IJB Public Engagement Committee approved on 29 November 2017.  They are based on a number of good practice guidelines for the involvement, participation, engagement and consultation in the public sector, and they are consistent with the principles that underpin the Integration Joint Board’s Participation and Engagement Strategy.  They are not intended to be prescriptive or exhaustive, but are designed to assist consultations to consider and plan for the range of areas and issues that need consideration.

You can view a summary of our recent and upcoming engagement opportunities in our Consultation and Engagement Log. Please note the Log is an evolving document and is therefore subject to frequent change. Please check back regularly for any updates.

From time to time, the Partnership will also feature consultations of its partners which may be of interest.



  • There are currently no open consultations


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